When done right, a fireplace could be the standout piece of your home. It could also add value to the home if you decide to sell it. Before you start dreaming of all this, you will have to ensure that you're sufficiently prepared prior to installing the fireplace. Keep on reading to find out tips that will guide you through the right path.
Make a decision on the kind of fireplace you want
There are basically three kinds of fireplaces to choose from: wood, gas and electric. For wood fireplaces, they depend on wood for fuel. They've certainly been around the block for centuries. Luckily, over those years, the efficiency of the fireplace has improved and a significant amount of its heat doesn't escape anymore. As for the gas and electric fireplaces, they're the more modern models with outstanding efficiency. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Take out time to do your research to determine the kind that is really ideal for you and your needs.
Select the appropriate location and size
The size of your fireplace will depend on the size of the room you intend to put it in. For bigger rooms, they will require a bigger fireplace. As for small rooms, a small fireplace should be installed. You don't want to end up with a fireplace that overheats the room because its capabilities are bigger than the room it is located in. However, if you plan on installing a fireplace in a wall that is used by separate rooms, you should consider purchasing a double-sided fireplace. You can warm both rooms with this option.
Think about the costs
The cost of installing the fireplace will greatly depend on the kind of fireplace you pick. You could visit multiple suppliers to get a ballpark figure that will serve you well in terms of making decisions. You could also check out stonewoods.co.uk to have an idea of what you need. As well as the cost of the fireplace, you need to consider other costs like installation, fueling and perpetual maintenance.
Understand safety codes and regulations
The codes and regulations are not the same everywhere, so it's imperative that you keep tabs of any developments regarding them. You should know them before you begin installation as they could actually provide you with modifications you need to follow. Your area or building code could also determine the complexity and cost of the fireplace you intend to install.
Design and aesthetics
As far as you're including a fireplace to your home (whether as a heat source or to add style), its design and aesthetic will nevertheless come to the forefront. This is because it is one of the first things any of your guests will see when they enter your home. It is important that you make it stylish enough to reflect your taste.
Professional help
As much as there are lots of DIY articles on fireplace installation, the best option remains hiring an expert who will ensure that everything is in order and up to code. You don't want to end up spending more money just because you left out or didn't consider some factors.